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Ok, don’t panic, not another blog about us searching the universe for the very best products to bring you our tag line *The Best Of The Best* we have blogged previously about that and whilst true this is about why and how the name Enfettered came about….

It was a question asked recently in real life, and a good one as the person asking the question had a very valid point, ie:- why potentially risk associating yourself with another company who whilst no longer in existence left the business and the scene under a very very dark cloud…

The answer and it’s an honest answer is that in choosing the name we were not trying to associate ourselves with any company present or past it really didn’t even occur to us, it was born from a love of Shakespeare and in particular Othello…

Sara from English literature in her school days has long loved Shakespeares Othello, the normal fare from the great man, Love, Tradgedy, Betrayal etc etc….Anyway a long story (read that as a very long story) short in the play Iago(the jilted one) declares of Othello(the one who gets the girl) feelings for Desdemona(the girl) “His soul is so enfettered to her love / That she may make, unmake, do what she list”

We can and do all have things that stick in our minds, a verse of a song, a line from dickens, maybe a film in this case it was the above, and so from there move on to enfettered and it’s meaning or association now and our company name was a given, we are enfettered with love, we love what we do and love being able to work in an industry that is and has been such a huge part of our lives, a fetter is a shackle so to be enfettered is to be shackled, shackled to each other by love some 27 years now, and then of course a fetter is a shackle is a cuff of which we sell many and there you have it…. Thanks for reading…

Sara& Anthony